Talassh_Mamta Ji Story Book

The battle won or the battle lost

These are real names and real beings,
The war took place within each of us,
Small battles fought small battles won,
Small enemies sought and their ends were done.

When real soldiers fought at the borders end,
We sat and thought,coins tossed.
Who the real enemies of the border were.
Was it only soldiers and soldiers at the battle front.

The countries fought and the soldiers dead,
And countries fought and the soldiers dead.
The gushing blood from the mother's son,
The tear wetted the front, with some dear one's.

All eyes were wet and every one wept When the soldiers near & far met, in their conffn's net. It is the same history repeated all over again, The battle begins from within us and surfaces on the ground

The ego's of the leaders met, when the soldiers wives wept.
In the cold frozen night when the memories,
Which were, at the back of the mind kept.
And the son got up with a shivering pain

O Ma! There out & out in the rain

I saw my Papa,
Out of the coffin and with open hands.

Come my son and rest your head
Awaken awaken O! My child
And waken the world with your cry.
To the Battle we lost....

Adding to the Loss of human lives,
The countries win& the countries fight.
At the altar is the human life,
And what remains in the end.

The Emptiness and Darkness within,
When your hands wants to meet mine
The heart aches for thine,
Though there is a vast space between us.

One which remains between the countries which which dine
After the battle is over and they
Act as friends of human kind

But I am there my child for thee.
Remember my heroic history.
For battle won or battle lost
It was the 'real' soldier who fought
To preserve their country's destiny.

Thse are real names and real beings
Who fought and fought till the end
To preserve their country's destiny.